Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Potential Articles for Magazine

I have not recently posted due to my illness; however, I am back and have a great list of things that I would personally like to write about for the new up-and-coming Spartan Reader.

1- Leaving Rockwell. This is an idea that I am very much excited about. Ive talked to all of the members of this local homestead band. Some of the members are close friends of mine and would obviously love the potential advertising, but would also like to share what it means to be in a band and create your own music. Music, to me, has been a very big part of my life, I have been involved in a couple of bands but it never really stuck. A podcast project for this particular idea would be perfect, it allows for a one-on-one conversation with the members and allows them to express how they feel about music and why they make music the way they do. 

2-David Richard Contemporary Art Gallery- This, is more of an abstract culture idea. Falling under the Spartan Reader category of culture and potential art? This gallery is a contemporary, abstract gallery. Sometimes the paintings are just a collage of colors that are indecipherable, sometimes they are photographs of lone pots or vases. Perhaps the disarray of art is a testament to our own unruly minds and this would be a fantastic collection of pieces to analyze and to connect to our own disorderly and non-perfect lives, breathing a fresh breath of interpretation and imagination.

3- David Sedaris. Mr. Sedaris is an accomplished essayist and novelist, combining his works with short little anecdotes and personal opinions. Most of his stories come from life experiences, sometimes they are humorous and flashy, and other times they are saddening and horrifying. His essays have been called groundbreaking and he speaks to our very souls and all the problems that we as humans have but has the courage to write about them. He connects, with his writing, on a personal level to the audience and would be great to write about and analyze potential short essays in some of his books. I guess I am attracted to this type of writing, letting me know that there are other people outside of my close-knit circle of friends who share some of the same problems. David Sedaris, is one to read and one to watch for in the future. 

These are, for this week anyway, the topics I would like to potentially write about, and a podcast series I would like to potentially create and keep creating and adding to.


  1. Totally love the Leaving Rockwell idea. I'm not sure how we'd post a podcast on The Reader, but it'd be worth figuring out. A photo spread/analysis of their sound or a typical rehearsal session--almost like a descriptive essay--would be an interesting possibility, too, I think.

    And Sedaris is one of my favorites, too. I've probably talked about him before, though. I have friends who have met him a couple of times and it sounds like he's just as funny and cool as you would expect him to be.

  2. I've seen Leaving Rockwell perform once. They performed for my friend's party, and everyone enjoyed their performance. This local band could use the leverage. Great idea!
