Monday, February 20, 2012

Middle School informal post

I realize that I have forgotten about the short response to the podcast. Oh well. Here I go now...
The complexities of the mind-entrapping jail that is middle school can be quite overwhelming. Ira Glass, along with a handful of reporters, tries to understand what kids go through during middle school. From grade six to grade 8, possibly 9 in some areas, kids are tossed into a pool of uncertainties and are expected to swim efficiently. Kids from across the country are interviewed and are asked to give their opinions on their upcoming school dances, and for most of us, the middle school dances were like a void to be stared into with fear. Ethan, a timid sixth grade boy was interviewed, he was afraid of the slow dance. For him, along with other new sixth graders, he didn’t know how to slow dance. All Ethan wanted was to be normal at the dance, and not make an obscure scene that would be the talk of the Middle School for the next several weeks. Like Ethan, another middle school student, Autumn, was asked by five boys to go to the dance, and her considerate nature prevented her from giving these boys straight answers. The feelings of these new middle school students are feelings we have all had at some point, after listening to this podcast, I looked over at my friend and started discussing our first experiences of school dances and how awkward those were for us. I guess, I understand where these kids are coming from, these feelings only become more complex as you get further into middle school. Full response coming soon!

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